On Saturday, 20th February, a milk vending machine of Jamšek Farm from Moste pri Komendi was set up in BTC Market in BTC City Ljubljana. At the opening, which was at 12am, each visitor got a litre of milk for free. The price of a litre of milk at the milk vending machine will be 1 Euro. Jamšek Farm uses milk vending machines of Italian manufacturer Fiordilatte, which are considered to have the highest quality. Milk from the milk vending machine is not homogenized and not pasteurized, which means that it still contains vital vitamins, albumins, minerals and enzymes. Milk of Jamšek Farm contains about 4% of milk fat and 3.4% of milk albumins.

Jamšek Farm has, at the revealing of the milk vending machine, delighted the young ones and kindergarten teachers of the Kindergarten Jarše, as Martin and Nada Jamšek gave a gift certificate in value of 300 Euros to the kindergarten manager Špela Žagar Indihar. With this gift, each child in the kindergarten will be given two dairy meals made from the milk of Jamšek Farm.

The advantages of milk vending machines of Jamšek Farm are undoubtedly the quality milk, as they are the only farm in the area of Ljubljana, which sells their milk from integrated production, and a big parking space alongside the milk vending machine in BTC Ljubljana. After each litre of milk has been taken from the milk vending machine, the inside automatically cleans itself with the help of steam. All parts of the milk vending machine system, which come in direct contact with the milk – the cistern or the tube, in which the milk comes from the cistern to the pouring point, is cleaned and changed daily. The chamber’s temperature, which holds the milk cistern, balances the temperature at 4°C. The control over the milk vending machine is established with the help of the GSM system, which reports the condition and the temperature of milk. The milk vending machine doesn’t give out milk which is older than 24 hours, as well as gets disabled when there is a loss of power or when it comes to a rise in milk temperature. Besides the agricultural and veterinary inspection, the milk is also checked by health inspection, which takes milk samples unannounced.

The milk of Jamšek Farm is made with integrated production, which is a nature-friendly way of farming, which is a result of understanding the natural processes and of circulation of elements in nature. The integrated production guarantees the circulation of nutrients and the balance in the system Earth-flora-fauna-man. It is a symbiotic way of farming, where the use of genetically transformed organisms is forbidden. With integrated production we preserve soil fertility and natural sources such as soil, water and air, which makes our food healthy and of high quality. Integrated production differs from traditional farming in the fact that all processes are under strict control, which gives buyers the assurance that all products meet high standards of quality.

Setting up of the milk vending machine is part of BTC Company’s policy of being environmentally friendly and responsible. BTC City prides itself on the fact, that it gives great emphasis on dealing with waste, packing materials, on clean water and air as well as the efficient use of energy. With all these steps BTC guarantees its visitors an environment of safety and quality.

Additional information:

Maja Oven, director of Marketing and Public Relations