On Saturday 20th and on Sunday 21st October, BTC City Ljubljana hosted already the 18th Festival of Shopping and Fun in a row. Once again the shops offered tempting discounts along with gaudy social events. The singing street theatre variegated different locations within BTC City with the flash mob effect.

The events on Saturday started at 9 am and went on during the day, entertaining the visitors with game contests, the final contest for the Jeans model of the Festival of Shopping and Fun, winter trend fashion show and a diverse children’s programme with a magician, a clown, as well as creative and sports workshops. Outside the Hall 12 the organisers arranged activities called “A healthy mind in a healthy body” accompanied by dance school Dancing Star, sports centre Millenium and Water Park Atlantis. The day ended with an evening concert of the rock band Rok’n’band, preceded by “Dejmo stisnt teater” improliga-actors, who really warmed up the crowd.

Sunday had a certain folk-music feel to it, since numerous folk musicians sang and played in a genuine local tavern, called “Krčma pri veselem muzikantu”, which was set up by the organisers and Radio Sora. During both days there were several activities organised for the visitors at the square Trg mladih, such as the safe-driving range, different workshops for the youngest and the central stage nook Mission: Green.

The BTC Centre in Murska Sobota hosted the Festival of Shopping and Fun on Saturday, 20th October and offered a great variety of discounts and accompanying entertainment programme along with a fashion show, where visitors could admire the new fall fashion trends with Natalija Verboten and enjoy the evening concert by Riblja Čorba.