On Saturday, May 26th from 10am onwards BTC City Ljubljana will host the humanitarian event Donate a bottle cap – A small bottle cap can be of big help (“Podari pokrovček – Majhen pokrovček za veliko pomoč”). As part of the event which is alongside BTC Company, company Dana and the society Never give up organized by Interseroh company, organizers will collect old bottle caps to build one of the largest mosaics made out of old plastic bottle caps in the world, spreading over 600 square metres. The event will be accompanied by a humanitarian raffle.

The entire profits from the collected bottle caps, sold prize-winning tickets and the sold panoramic photographs to the highest bidder, will be given in full to three people needing our help: to 3 year old Lovro, suffering from a developmental disorder to 6 year old Maša, suffering from meningoencephalitis which she overcame at the age of merely 4 weeks and is because of that totally dependent on her family, and to 35 year old Dušan, who struck by high voltage 11 years ago, became a 100% disabled person.

Bottle caps are collected at BTC City Info point in Hall A, at Atlantis Water Park and at the Crystal Palace reception. People can also bring these bottle caps on the day of the main event and put them into special boxes which will be set up at the event area.

BTC Company is aware of the significance of sustainable development and socially responsible actions with which we are an active part in forming the social environment that we live in. BTC Company is also a sponsor to numerous top-notch athletes and cultural events, as well as a donor of many humanitarian institutions and individuals who need help. With the intention of strengthening environmental awareness and securing sustainable and responsible actions in the environment BTC Company developed a unique system, namely the Ecoindex, which serves as a tool of acknowledging environmental progress of the society.

Additional information:

Maja Oven, Director of the Market Communication and Public Relations Sector