The award testifies to the environmental efforts of the BTC Company, which are, together with the results of other socially responsible activities of the BTC Company, presented in the newly published Sustainability Report 2015.
The awards in three categories – for energy efficient company or institution, for energy efficient project, and for the promotional project URE/UVE – the Finance magazine announced at the 18th Days of Energy, which are organised by the Akademija Finance in partnership with Josef Stefan Institute. The award for energy efficient project was given to the BTC Company, which in December 2015 started heating Atlantis Water Park in BTC City Ljubljana with the excess of heat energy from the Julon Company from the Aquafil group. The project brings substantial energy and financial savings to both partners, while positive impacts are seen also in lesser burdening of the environment.
Upon receiving the award, Janez Povše, Director of Energy Management and Technical Issues Unit in the BTC Company: “The award for the best energy efficient project is recognition for the BTC Company’s realised sustainability steps in the scope of social responsibility. It confirms our orientation in compliance with the Development Strategy 2020 of BTC Company and that business excellence is possible in synergy with the environment and cooperation with partners.”
Why does the BTC Company’s project represent an excess of energy? The heat energy in form of hot water, used by Atlantis Water Park, is produced in the production process ECONYL® in the Julon Company. This energy is partially reused by Julon in its production process, while the remainder is no longer an unexploited excess of energy, but rather the main source of heat energy for Atlantis Water Park. The cooperation of the BTC Company and the Aquafil group resulted in the reduction of energy production in Ljubljana. This project has reduced the carbon dioxide emissions by more than 2000 tons per year, which is the same amount as produced by 1,100 cars which make 12,700 kilometres each year. All this contributes too much cleaner air in the capital and raises the standard of living in Ljubljana.
Besides the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions, the BTC Company in its Sustainability Report 2015 presents other important achievements, such as saving 2,269,876 kWh of energy due to efficient use, and the production of 1,785,812 kWh of green energy from renewable sources. In the past year, the BTC Company managed to collect 5,200 tons of different types of waste and right at their core separated 76 per cent of secondary raw materials. The Company has made another step forward in the field of providing safety and has managed to touch people’s lives with the support given to more than 300 organisations, individuals, events, and other activities and projects from different fields.
Upon the publication of the BTC Company Sustainability Report 2015, Miha Mermal, Director of Business unit Mission Green in the BTC Company, explained the compliance of company’s activities with the global guidelines of sustainable economic development: “All environmental and socially responsible activities of the BTC Company are included in the business pillar Mission: Green. The carried out projects, in which we invested whopping 48.9 million Euros in the last fifteen years, have brought positive results, shown in the successful and dynamic growth of the Company and in innovative approaches. In 2015, we successfully realised 113 sustainable projects.”
The Mission: Green business pillar comprises four fields of activity: environment protection, green energy, energy efficiency, and social responsibility. Sustainable efforts of the BTC Company are realised in partnership with several other stakeholders, with which the Company additionally reinforces the positive effects on the society and the environment. Each realised project follows the Development Strategy 2020 of the BTC Company, in which sustainable development is in the centre, by seeking opportunities for green economy and encouraging innovativeness.
>>BTC Company’s Sustainability Report 2015
Additional information
Maja Oven, Director of the Market Communications and Public Relations Sector
- T: +386 (0) 1 585 13 15
- E: maja.oven@btc.si