Head of Security at the BTC Company, Matija Repina, received the Slovenian Grand Security Award in the category Corporate Security Manager of the Year, presented by the Institute for Corporative Security Studies at the International Conference Days of Corporate Security in Brdo pri Kranju, which took place on 22 and 23 May 2023. At the event, he held a presentation of the BTC Company’s role in the European project APPRAISE.
Head of Security at the BTC Company, Matija Repina, is this year’s recipient of the Slovenian Grand Security Award in the category Corporate Security Manager of the Year. This is the most prominent award in the field of security in the Republic of Slovenia, presented by the Institute for Corporative Security Studies to institutions and individuals in six categories, with an independent committee selecting the winners. Matija Repina received the award for his innovative contribution in the field of development and implementation of security.
Every year, the award is presented at the International Conference Days of Corporate Security that brings together experts from the field of security risk management. At this year’s conference, Matija Repina held a presentation of the BTC Company’s role in the two-year European research project APPRAISE. The project joins 27 partners from 10 European countries – Slovenia is represented by the BTC Company, the Institute for Corporative Security Studies and the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Slovenia – Police – and is funded by the Horizon 2020 programme.
In the scope of the APPRAISE project, in May, the Slovenian partners organised a security drill upon a special security event that took place in Atlantis Water Park in BTC City Ljubljana. At the security drill, the joint response to special security events and the use of advanced technologies were tested in the management of security risks. At the BTC Company, we are well aware of the fact that security in the broadest sense is one of the key pillars of our successful operations. Thus, we pay special attention to ensuring general, fire and traffic safety, as well as the safety of both the company and its employees, business partners and visitors. By participating in the APPRAISE project, we are acquiring important new knowledge in the field of security and learning about new security system technologies, security trends and good practices of experienced project partners.