BTC City Ljubljana opened an exhibition Energy and People on 22 April, to celebrate Earth Day. The exhibition should raise awareness among the visitors and business partners about the importance of taking care of our planet and intends to represent all the current efforts of such activities. Visitors will be able to visit the exhibition on the lower floor of the Emporium hall till 31 May, 2011.

The exhibition will display environmentally friendly projects by BTC Company, among which there are two solar plants, the first located on the rooftop of the Logistics centre BTC, and the other on the facade of the new business skyscraper, Crystal palace. The latter is constructed according to the highest environment-protection standards regarding energy-efficient constructing. Public lighting is also energy-efficient. The classical public lighting, including street lamps and neon signs, was replaced by lights with environment friendly LED technology. BTC City Ljubljana also offers two charging-points, where vehicles charging on electricity can be recharged, which also contributes to greater environmentally friendly tendencies.

The strategy of environmental and sustainable development is part of BTC Company’s business strategy. BTC Company developed its own business ecoindex model, which makes acknowledging of direct effects of company’s activities in the fields of environmental awareness and sustainability possible. Ecoindex was developed and integrated into its activities by BTC Company as part of company’s business plan in 2008. Its development is closely watched over by controlling.

Ecoindex can be regarded as an indicator or a tool for acknowledging the company’s progress in raising the bar of environmentally friendly activities with which BTC Company measures concrete effects of its environmental and sustainable projects. Ecoindex is a pondered sum of all positive activities which help BTC Company increase positive effects on the environment in different fields – management of water, energy, waste, traffic and safety. The ecoindex value is a constituent part of the annual business plan of the company and one of the key criteria of evaluating the success rate of the company. In 2008 the ecoindex of BTC Company reached 297 points, in 2009 340 points, while the expected and planned ecoindex value for 2010 is set at 400 points.

Additional information:

Maja Oven, Director of the Market Communication and Public Relations Sector