We are happy to announce that yesterday, 13th od December, BTC City hosted the first DevFest in Slovenia, which took place at Crystal palace, BTC City. GDG Ljubljana, who organized DevFest Slovenia manage to deliver a successful event, with amazing speakers who gave more than 100 IT and TECH enthusiasts a great knowledgeful insights into development trends, techniques and technologies. DevFest was full of real hands on use-cases and deep dive knowledge sharing. At BTC we eagerly support new ideas and young professionals and will continue to do so also in the Future, as we believe that the key essence of knowledge is its possibility of sharing it.
Vision of GDG Ljubljana is to establish a unique meeting and knowledge-full group of enthusiasts, who have a passion for new technologies and development. With activities, great expertise of local specialists, connections and energy GDG Ljubljana wants to build a strong community and knowledge share environment. BTC Company is proud to support such initiatives and will continue to do so also in the future.
For those who missed DevFest Slovenia event, you can go to Facebook page of BTC CITY where 360 video streaming from the event is still available to see.
DevFest Slovenia 2018 – List of speakers
1. Kotlin – programming language in theory and practise
Gregor Petrin, Software Architect, Razum d.o.o.
Description: Detailed overview of Kotlin programming language will give you the insight what Kotlin looks like, what are it’s key functionalities and what distinguish it from other languages. We will also disclose what are Kotlin’s key advantages and why Kotlin has a vision of becoming the bright light at the end of the tunnel for multi-platform mobile applications.
GitHub: https://github.com/gregopet
2. AI matching and recommendation algorithms in e-commerce
Sašo Kuntarič, Project Lead, Eligma d.o.o.
Description: As manufacturers invest more and more money into advertising and highlighting products, AI is enabling better informed buying decisions based on product specifications.
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/sašo-kuntarič-9442b4159
3. 2018 – year of Android
Željko Plesac, Tehnical Director, Infinum d.o.o.
Description: As the Christmas holidays are just around the corner, it’s perfect time to recap all the changes which happened to Android world in year 2018.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/%C5%BEeljko-plesac-01551214/
4. Implementing Image Search Application Using Cloud Vision (
Robi Pritržnik, CTO, BTC Phoenix d.o.o.
Description: We will dive into a real use case implementation of Google Cloud Vision for an eCommerce image search. The lecture will cover basics of Google Cloud and an example of Image Search, Text Extraction and Label Detection.
LikedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/robipritrznik/
5. Implementing Trusted Data Sharing via a Decentralized Network
Branimir Rakić, Co-Founder and CTO, ORIGIN TRAIL d.o.o.
Description: Branimir will present how OriginTrail is developing a blockchain-based protocol and how it is used for data exchange.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/branimirrakic/
6. Insights into XR tehnologies (AR, VR, MR) (ENG)
Erik Kapfer, Owner and Strategist at Pattern.City
Description: The speech will cover a dive into new XR technology insights, covering VR, AR and MR fields. Stay tuned for and awesome presentation 😉
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/erikkapfer/
PHOTO: Sudio Bomba