On Friday, 27 April 2018, the BTC Company and the AV Living Lab will host the so-called Future Day in BTC City Ljubljana. Taking place between 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m., the event will feature autonomous driving, electric mobility, and a showcase of the EliPay system, which allows payment with cryptocurrencies in the physical world. The event, which will host many eminent business leaders and political representatives from Slovenia and abroad, is an honour for the organisers, who are developing advanced and relevant infrastructure for the testing of future mobility technologies on Slovenian ground, in BTC City Ljubljana.
The Future Day, hosted by BTC and the AV Living Lab, will take place in the scope of the TEN-T Days 2018, the largest and most important European event in the domain of smart, sustainable, and safe mobility, which will be held between 25 and 27 April 2018 in Ljubljana by the Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport of the European Commission.
Autonomous driving to premiere in Slovenia
At the Future Day, which will be open to the public, visitors will be able to go for a ride around the Ameriška ulica street in the self-driving vehicle Navya for the first time on Slovenian ground. They will be able to take a walk around the exhibition area, which will feature news by the following (among others): BTC City, Eligma, AMZS, Telekom Slovenije, Zavarovalnica Triglav, Petrol, Magna Steyr, and the Police. Visitors will also be able to familiarise themselves with autonomous vehicles made by BMW, Audi and Mercedes. In addition, Telekom Slovenije will present the opportunities brought about by the fifth generation of mobile connectivity (5G), Zavarovalnica Triglav will showcase safe mobility, Petrol electric mobility, Magna Steyr the creation of a data-rich environment with advanced autonomous vehicle technologies, and Eligma the new EliPay system, which enables one to pay with cryptocurrencies out in the physical world.
Birth of the living learning environment AV Living Lab
The event will continue with the ceremonial programme for invited guests. It will be attended by eminent business leaders and political representatives from Slovenia and abroad, including the European Commissioner for Transport, mag. Violeta Bulc, the European Commissioner for Budget and Human Resources, Günther H. Oettinger (to be confirmed), and a representative of the Republic of Slovenia. In the company of hosts Jože Mermal, President of the BTC Management Board, and Daniel Avdagič, Managing Director of the AV Living Lab, they will witness the official birth of the living learning environment for the development of modern solutions and technologies – the AV Living Lab in BTC City Ljubljana.
- 9:00 a.m.–2:00 p.m.: Open to the public
- 9:00 a.m.–2:00 p.m.: Exhibitions – Telekom Slovenije, Zavarovalnica Triglav, CargoX, OriginTrail, BTC City, AMZS, BMW, Mercedes (Autocommerce), Magna Steyr, Navya, Petrol, the Police.
- 9:00 a.m.–12:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m.–2:00 p.m.: Round trip in the Navya autonomous vehicle. The cruise along the Ameriška ulica street in BTC City Ljubljana will be available to all visitors.
- 2:00 p.m.–5:00 p.m. Ceremonial part of the event (closed to the public)
- 6:00 p.m. – Closing of the event
Concise programme
- Opening of the AV Living Lab
- Autonomous vehicles demo
- EliPay cryptocurrency payment system
- Eligma, new web platform
- Smart parking
- A look into the digitised and autonomous mobility of the future with BMW
- Autonomous driving demo with Mercedes-Benz S-Class and CLS-Class vehicles
- AMZS: autonomous driving demo
- Telekom Slovenije: opportunities brought about by the fifth generation of mobile connectivity (5G)
- Zavarovalnica Triglav safe driving simulator
- Petrol: alternative motor fuels and mobility services
- Presentation of the Police
BTC City is a living environment for testing advanced solutions
With the attendance of eminent political representatives and business leaders, Future Day heralds the successful breakthrough of BTC and the AV Living Lab in the introduction of one of the most advanced learning environments for modern solutions and technologies in the world. In seeking new business models and breakthrough concepts, BTC activated the highly diversified system of road, telecommunications, energy, and innovation infrastructure available in BTC City under the umbrella name BTC Living Lab. The result is BTC City as a developed area and an advanced environment, where companies can test their innovations, their advanced digital solutions and the most modern technologies in a live, real-life environment, which is not only a testing but also a learning environment.
The principal purpose of the learning environment is to raise the value of the BTC City brand and build the reputation of BTC as an open company. With its openness to advanced technologies and solutions and its investments in infrastructure, BTC keeps upgrading BTC City Ljubljana in collaboration with its partners. BTC City is gaining the power to remain the leading shopping, business, and logistics centre in the broader European region, while also developing the potential to assert itself as a world-renowned learning environment for the development of advanced solutions.
Additional information
Maja Oven, Director of Market Communication and Public Relations, BTC d.d.
- T: +386 (0)1 585 13 15
- E: maja.oven@btc.si
Špela Rode, Marketing Director, AV Living Lab,
- T: +386 (0)51 400 100
- E: spela@avll.si