On Wednesday evening, 11 March, BTC received notice that two employees of one of their business partners with offices in the BTC City Ljubljana Crystal Palace had tested positive for the coronavirus. On Thursday morning, 12 March, this was communicated to other business partners who have their offices in the Crystal Palace, and even before the arrival of employees in the morning, the common areas of the building were thoroughly cleaned and disinfected.
The employees of the said business partner left their offices on Wednesday morning, 11 March. Both the infected individuals had left the premises on Monday morning, 9 March, and have been in self-isolation ever since.
In the current situation, the main goal of the BTC Management is to ensure the safety and health of employees and visitors in BTC City Ljubljana. At the end of February, in order to act preventively should the new coronavirus spread, BTC therefore took a number of preventive measures in our shopping, sporting, recreational and business facilities, of which we informed our business partners and employees:
- The BTC employees were thoroughly informed about the appropriate preventive measures to reduce the chance of the infection spreading.
- Hand sanitizers were installed in all the restrooms of the common shopping and business facilities visited by a large number of people; in order to additionally raise public awareness, posters with recommendations for hand washing and proper cough hygiene were put up.
- In those facilities where additional ventilation could not be provided through the opening of windows, the operation of ventilation systems has been maximised in order to take in the maximum amount of fresh air. As always, we are thoroughly following the manufacturers’ instructions regarding the regular maintenance of our ventilation systems, including the replacement of air filters.
- Restrooms, door handles and elevator buttons in the common shopping and business facilities used by a large number of people are cleaned and disinfected several times daily as part of regular daily inspections.
- In sporting and recreational facilities, where we already pursue high standards of hygiene, and in addition to installing several disinfectants as well as raising the awareness of employees and visitors about hand washing and cough hygiene, the cleaning of the facilities was further intensified, including the disinfection of door handles and sporting equipment. In the mentioned facilities, the operation of ventilation systems for fresh air intake was set to the maximum.
The Crystal Palace is not in quarantine or in isolation. However, today (12 March 2020), we implemented additional preventive measures:
- All outside visitors to the Crystal Palace must enter the building through the single point of entry, accessible from the Ameriška ulica Street, since all other entrances have been closed. At all entrances, visitors are greeted by posters encouraging them to act responsibly during their visit with regard to the current situation.
- By the elevators, you will find posters with the recommendation that the elevator ride should be shared by no more than three (3) people.
- Until further notice, all events in the Congress Hall of the Crystal Palace have been cancelled.
We remain in close contact with our business partners in the BTC City Ljubljana area and continue to pay close attention to the recommendations issued by the institutions in charge, which represent the basis for potential future measures. All further measures relating to the possible closing of shops or the limitation of their business hours will follow the recommendations or demands of state institutions in charge.
Additional information
BTC, Market Communications and Public Relations Sector
- E: press.btc@btc.si
- T: +386 (0)1 585 13 00