Author: Polja Pretnar

The Flame of Peace was brought to the green terrace of the Crystal Palace by Janez Škrabec, Honorary Consul of the Republic of Belarus in Slovenia, and gymnast Sašo Bertoncelj, who was the only member of the Slovene national team to win the gold medal...

The Supervisory Board of BTC, d. d., has confirmed the revised annual report 2018, which once again displays the company’s successful business operations, since the income was 4.5% higher than in 2017 and the profit increased by 5.8% compared to the previous year. ...

This year, the BTC Company is celebrating its 65th anniversary. With a business-oriented and strategic approach to management, the company developed from a former specialised logistics and warehouse company into a modern, open company where you will find clairvoyance, innovativeness, and boldness....